Friday, 11 December 2009

Pon and Zi are two cute little emo cartoon characters created by Azuzephre, Check it out !!

7 Lives

I woke up this morning with a thought ..
maybe its a residue of all my wicked dreams series from the last couple nights.
The tought was how if ppl could have 7 lives credit!!
I couldn't help but wonder what would ppl do or lets talk about what me and all the ppl around me do to spend all those 7 lives credit ..

Well obviously I'll spare at least two .. err, maybe three lives since I've been doing many actions based on my clumsiness, and the rest of my 4 lives I'll do things that will pump my adrenaline to the max ( well i dont think sliding down on the lost chamber of Atlantis waterpark or going on the roof top of Al J*****A tower in not so sober condition are considered as an adrenaline pumper activity that will costs a live) since ( Yea i admitt ) I was too chicken to do all those things. But hey, if i still have 7 credits I wouldn't mind to do that Sasha!!

I'm sure there will be a lot of ppl doin a free fall jumping from a skyscrapers building !!
But please do mind other ppl live credit as well, dont jump over anyone cause it might be their last credit !!!! (^^,)v

And YOU, my friend ... what would you do ??
Goin to Creamfields tonight !! Ayayayayayay ....

Today quote ..